Mariko Fujikawa

``I don't know what brought you here tonight, but if you have a moment, will you listen to my song?´´

an independent and selective Fandomless Original Character. This account will contain themes unsuitable for minors. Only follow if you are 18+ and are okay with the following. Mature Themes, Substance Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Sexual Implications and Suicidal Tendencies. all my muses are multiverse and multiship. please read the guidelines before following.

template by poohsources


01.    I reserve the right to block and/or soft block if I feel uncomfortable. I am fairly easygoing, so do not stress about approaching me. However, if I sense any sort of red flags then I will likely end things there. No hard feelings. This is simply to protect my space.02.     Patience is appreciated, do not rush me. I have several accounts and my muse fluctuates between all of them.03.     Do not pester for lewd, in most cases, it has to be earned.04.     Please do not spam me in DMs if I have not responded to you.

05.    Do not flirt with me ooc or use pet names. I am taken irl and have no interest in seeking anything beyond friendship. Nicknames from friends are fine06.     Do not share my personal information, full name, discord, writer account, etc, I am transparent, but certain things are only awarded to a select few.07.     No Force Shipping, I prefer ships to be built up through chemistry, unless I am close with the writer.08.     More importantly, feel free to approach and reach out if you wish to write.


Height:5'1 ( 155 cm )
Weight:105 lbs ( 47.5 kg )
Hair Color:Black ( Blue underneath )
Eye Color:Naturally Hazel ( Uses colored contacts )
Ethnicity:Half - Japanese
Occupation:Guitarist/Rock Idol

P e r s o n a l i t yMariko is a carefree individual. She often finds herself doing or saying whatever comes to mind without considering the consequences. She tries to put on a tough act from time to time but she is a pretty sensitive person deep down. If she feels like she's getting too close to someone, she may put her walls up. Everyone she has ever trusted has ended up hurting her in one way or another so she tends to be guarded. Mariko is friendlier with women depending on the circumstances and often gives men a harder time. Generally, she's pretty positive in front of others but the secrets she holds are her downfall when she's alone..                                                                                                           .A p p e a r a n c eMariko is fairly short with naturally black hair. Her physique is petite with just enough curvature to define her feminine shape. Despite being half Japanese, she takes mostly from her Japanese bloodline in regarding appearance. Due to the nature of her career, she may be spotted wearing various colored wigs as well as colored contacts. Her style is more punk rock but she favors articles of clothing that are made to resemble leather. It's not uncommon for her to sport more revealing styles as per suggestion from her manager but she will wear her favorite leather jacket to conceal most of herself if possible..                                                                                                           .C a r e e rMariko is a famous Rock Idol in Japan. She has done a handful of local tours and one world tour. Her fame slowly extends the borders of her homeland but she hopes to one day be a world-famous Rock Star.

The following backstory contains themes not suitable for minors. The themes may also be triggering for certain audiences, so please proceed with caution.

The themes ahead include ;
Child Neglect, Mentions of attempted Sexual Assault, Sexual Manipulation, Mental Illness, Abandonment, and Substance Abuse such as drugs and alcohol.


These themes are not intended to be romanticized or glorified. Instead, they paint a picture of how and why Mariko is the way she is. However, if these themes make you uncomfortable, and you still wish to write, we can work around them and brainstorm a plot that best suits your own comfort.It is also perfectly acceptable to soft/hard block with no hard feelings.PROCEED AHEAD WITH CAUTION OR TURN BACK NOW


ChildhoodMariko was born to a prostitute by the name of Hana.
Hana was a beautiful woman in her early twenties. The details of how she ended up in this profession are unknown. However, what is known is that Mariko was conceived due to the nature of Hana's profession. Having never had a family of her own, Hana did her best to conceal the pregnancy. She had no money for prenatal care and barely made enough for housing and food. At around seven months pregnant, Hana went into labor early.
The man who ran the shady business of selling women for sexual favors decided to drop Hana off at the nearest hospital. As corrupt as his business was, he didn't want the death of a mother and child on his hands. What seemed like an act of mercy was merely an excuse to wash his hands of her for good. A child would hinder his business.Through the work of highly skilled medical professionals, Hana's infant daughter survived. Unfortunately, Hana was left without a home and a large amount of medical debt.Thanks to Hana's beauty, she was able to land a job as a Hostess for a local Kyabakura while somehow managing to keep the details of her previous job under wraps. As far as anyone knew, she was a college student who needed to earn money for tuition.Juggling motherhood and work by herself was no easy matter. Hence why she mostly worked the nights, when she knew Mariko would be fast asleep.This lifestyle continued for the next four years. It was then that Hiroshi Fujikawa first came into their lives.Hiroshi Fujikawa was a third-generation CEO of a profitable business housed primarily in Tokyo. He'd come to the area of Kamakura on business and decided to visit the establishment where Hana, worked alongside a few business partners, to celebrate a huge deal they'd just landed. On that night, Hiroshi laid eyes on Hana for the first time.Their love came in like a tidal wave, suddenly and unexpectedly. He had no previous romantic partners and found little interest in pursuing romance. He always believed that he would one day settle with a woman who would undoubtedly carry on their good genes. It was Hana's beauty that earned his love.A month or so after they met they quickly wed, Hana and Mariko were moved into the city, and their lifestyle forever changed.From the very beginning, Hiroshi was cold to Mariko. More often than not, he ignored her existence entirely. He wanted no part in raising a child that wasn't his own. That and he was only interested in having a son to carry on the family business. A goal that he pursued immediately after marrying Hana.What was once a romance that Hana believed came straight out of a fairytale, became one dependent on daily sexual encounters. Regardless of the time of day or location.Hana never became pregnant.Mariko slowly watched the deterioration of her mother's mental and physical health. The maternal figure she once knew fell into a depression so deep that she became more like a zombie than a person. In time, it was almost as though she forgot Mariko even existed.By age seven, Mariko had grown more independent. She seldom had parental guidance and was often left to fend for herself throughout the day. Despite the Fujikawa residence being filled with numerous employees, like her parents, none of them paid her any attention. Sometimes she believed she was invisible.She'd gone so long without speaking to anyone that she'd forgotten what her mother's voice sounded like.
So on her eighth birthday, she attempted to meet with her for the first time in two years. This required her to be stealthy, due to her mother's permanent residence within the solitude of their bedroom. A room that Mariko was banned from ever entering.
She went early in the morning before the servants brought Hana her breakfast and after Hiroshi had presumably left for work.
A miscalculation that changed the nature of her home life forever.
She found her mother lying in bed, sickly and pale. Her jaws were sunken in and she'd lost a considerable amount of the weight that shaped her figure.
She was unrecognizable.Mariko approached the woman she knew to be her mother with both fear and compassion. Her voice alerted the sickly woman and sent her into a frantic state of panic. Screaming words that implied a belief that her daughter was a spirit or yokai. Mariko was paralyzed by the sight of her mother's display of insanity and didn't snap out of it until Hiroshi snatched her up aggressively by the arm to lead her out of his room.
The man voiced his anger as he continued to guide her up into the attic. A sizable room, but one far less grand than the room that was previously given to her. Without any word or explanation, he left her in that room and locked the door as he departed.
For the remainder of the time she'd lived in the Fujikawa household, that room was where she stayed.Food was brought to her regularly and new clothing whenever she grew out of her clothes. Which wasn't often. She'd always been a small child, but neglect and malnourishment stunted her growth.The attic was filled with various items that were long forgotten about, such as books, vinyl records, and a record player. She occupied her time reading book after book and occasionally listening to music whenever she could. It became her only escape from the hell that was her life.After some time. she began to fantasize about having a different life. A life where people would love her no matter how she behaved and looked. She daydreamed about this life that felt incredibly far out of reach and eventually, those daydreams turned into her writing her own songs and performing for a pretend audience. This led to her discovering that her voice, though untrained, was quite good.Her life continued like this for the next decade. . . . .
On the night of her eighteenth birthday, everything changed.
She awoke to the sound of a man's voice. Familiar as it was, the nature of it was unfamiliar to her. She quickly discovered that it was Hiroshi Fujikawa at her bedside.
After ten years, she'd grown into a young woman who resembled her mother almost identically, just much more petite. In her ears, he whispered the name of her mother over and over.
Mariko didn't fully grasp what was happening until the man became bold enough to grope her chest. Mariko put up resistance and managed to escape.
She ran frantically through long corridors she hadn't seen in nearly a decade. Her thoughts honed in on the whereabouts of the only person who ever showed her love in her entire life, Hana.
When she couldn't be found in her bedroom, she checked room after room, determined to find her mother.
She never did. Hana was gone.Mariko knew she couldn't turn back now. She'd rather be on her own than suffer any longer under the roof of a man who never once considered himself her stepfather.With nothing to her name, she ran away and took to the streets alone.Mariko lacked life experience.
She lacked a place to call home.
She lacked having people she could confide in.
She was completely and utterly alone in this world.The Beginning Of A New LifeMariko spent the next year in the streets of Tokyo. Lying her head wherever she could safely rest while scraping by and performing her songs for the public for tips. She eventually earned enough to purchase herself a cheap guitar. She taught herself to play by listening to the notes and composing music without any sort of musical education.She was a prodigy. Someone who could play any song after only hearing it once. Her performances became a mix of cover songs and her own written works.Eventually, a talent scout took notice of her skill and aimed to convince Mariko to sign a contract with him. He promised her fame and success, but she cared very little about the wealth and glory.
However, her mind trailed back to the countless days she spent living in her fantasy. This was her chance to make that fantasy a reality. To become someone that everyone would love no matter what.
In the end, she signed the contract and was ushered into an entirely different world from the one she knew. She made her debut by opening for other more well-known Idols. Unfortunately, she was set up for failure to prevent her from outshining lead performers.
Her band often played unpredictably. The audio was also manipulated to decrease the quality of her voice.
When she addressed this to her manager, he admitted that this was the work of a prominent music label. Or to be more precise, the music executive of said label.
The discussion led to coercion.
Mariko could have anything she ever wanted given to her if she met with the man and agreed to offer sexual favors in exchange for his assets.
She was reluctant due to her inexperience with sex, but she eventually agreed and offered herself to the executive.
As promised, she was given everything she could ever want. Full control of her performances, songs, and a small cut of her earnings.
As time went on, she quickly realized how easy she was to manipulate. Her naivety turned into her frequently exchanging sexual acts in return for favors.She wants to be featured in a magazine? Sleep with the publisher.She wants a full photo spread with extreme editing to make her look better? Sleep with the photographer.She wants bonus tracks added to her next album? Sleep with the producer.Sex became a form of manipulation to receive anything she could ever want.Present DayNow aged twenty-three, Mariko is one of the biggest names in the music industry of Japan. She markets herself as an Idol who specializes in the rock genre and goes on various tours across the country while primarily staying within Tokyo. She's achieved her dream of becoming someone who's beloved by many. Yet that love is empty and fails to fill the void in her heart.In an attempt to find what she's still missing, she's resorted to picking up several vices. Her day-to-day life consists of indulging in these vices while maintaining her career.Sex. Music. Drugs. Singing. Alcohol. Performing.Neverending. Neverchanging.Like a repetitive loop of convenience with little to no benefits in the end.Mariko lost her sense of self and closes herself off to people unless it benefits her somehow.
Rather than a real human being, she's become more akin to a puppet of the music industry and an object in her own life.

Romantic Interests

Multiship w/ chem; Bisexual Muse

@rockideologyTohru AokiIt's Complicated
@VOlDTOUCHTakii MigakazePain in my ass
@R0GUEMUSICIANRiku NashiroBoyfriend
@InfernalMafxaRukio TakazajiUncertain

Shipping information

Minor muns and muses are not and will never be considered for shipping.
Each ship exists within its own universe/timeline. Shipping is determined through built chemistry or mutual interest in plotting a relationship ahead of time. Other dynamics are welcomed, such as toxic pairings, Friends with benefits, enemies, platonic friendships, etc.
Since each ship exists in its own universe, bad ends can also be discussed.Disclaimer; The writer of this account experiences constant fluctuation in muse. It's not uncommon for the muse to drop and not return for weeks to months at a time. Therefore, patient and understanding writing partners are preferred and appreciated. If you prefer more consistent writing partners then this is your warning to look elsewhere to prevent any hurt feelings.The writer of this account is a patient person and understands that life happens. Should you be unable to reply for any length of time for any reason, it will never be held against you.

not safe for work

Lewd InformationMariko has learned manipulation through sexual advances. She does this primarily by playing the bratty bottom in a power struggle for dominance with a preference for being forced to submit by her partner.To put it bluntly, she knows that being an easy fuck will make people lose interest. So she remedies this by making it a challenge. Such as feigning disinterest and maintaining a rebellious attitude.Mariko has picked up the habit of catering to her partner's preferences. She finds the most enjoyment from wild and kinky sex.Lewd slots are limited and are dependent on the writer of this account's personal preferences.Kinks and limits can be discussed further in private. Absolute hard no's are anything related to raceplay, incest, ageplay, musk, scat, watersports, non-con, necrophilia, zoophilia, NTR, and pet play.Some favorites include but aren't limited to oral fixation, size difference, biting/marking, toys, multiple partners (threesome, foursome, etc), overstimulation, edging, multiple orgasms, bondage, ass spanking, nipple play, temperature play, double penetration, rough sex, straps, cunnilingus(giving/receiving), fellatio(giving), and anal (giving/receiving).I will not interact with lolis, shotas, blacked accounts or raceplay themed accounts, and futas (trans and intersex accounts don't count. I am mainly referring to the over-sexualization of that specific body type because I feel it is personally wrong unless the writers themselves are trans or intersex. I will base my judgment on how the muse is portrayed.)If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.